
The present invention discloses methane splitting (cracking) systems for transforming methane into hydrogen and solid carbon. Specifically, it discloses an intermediate-temperature catalytic methane splitting system - between 650 ºC and 800 ºC - for producing high-purity hydrogen and graphitic carbon. The catalyst comprehends catalytic metals or metal alloys. Stable reactor operation is implemented via cyclic carbon shaving. The disclosed catalytic reactor allows the stable and continuous production of hydrogen and carbon, without CO2 emissions.


Currently, most hydrogen produced worldwide comes from the reforming of natural gas or coal gasification. These processes are gradually becoming environmentally less appealing, due to extensive CO2 emissions. Therefore, the method of methane splitting holds significant promise for disrupting the current paradigm also due to the ongoing advancements in reactor design, catalyst development and process optimization. Moreover, the current catalysts used in these reactors deactivate very quickly, tipically remaining active for less than 100 hours on-stream. 


Unlike any methane splitting system disclosed so far, the technology allows the separation and recovery of graphitic carbon materials, over easy-to-produce in mass catalytic slabs. These materials hold significant economic value and, crucially, their removal prevents catalyst deactivation, ensuring sustained operational efficiency.

The current catalytic system, when used in intermediate temperature catalytic methane splitting/decomposition, allows a quasi-continuous production of Hydrogen and Carbon, maintaining itself environmentally friendly without any CO2 emissions. The only interruption needed for the reactor should be the shaving-off of carbon to control the length/size of carbon materials, as there is no catalytic deactivation but clogging still has to be avoided.

Potential comercial use/applications: 

The current invention, when combined with the adequate reactor, may have an important market share in hydrogen production, as it would allow economically viable hydrogen production without CO2 emissions, which is not currently provided by any classic technology. The introduction of this catalytic system represents a major advancement in the field, providing a cleaner, more cost-effective solution for hydrogen production that meets the growing global demandn for environmentally friendly energy alternatives. 

University of Porto; Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV)