The University of Porto encourages the creation of competencies, infrastructures and services to propel the community’s entrepreneurial potential. U.Porto Innovation believes in the value of the knowledge generated at the University, and especially in the results achieved by the University of Porto’s distinguished researchers.
We work to identify opportunities for the commercialisation of new products and services resulting from the intellectual property (copyright and industrial property) generated by the largest R&D institution in Portugal. Apart from knowledge transfer through licensing technologies to industry, initiatives aiming at the creation of start-ups and University of Porto Spin-Offs have been an effective means to promote both scientific knowledge and the financing of business projects that transfer value to the society. For that purpose, we provide services to support technology transfer and foster the creation of businesses, thus promoting the economic and social valorisation of knowledge. We do so by granting benefits to those who decide to add value to their R&D results, be they researchers or technology-based entrepreneurs.
In relation to entrepreneurship, U.Porto Innovation carries out the following activities:
- Promotion of entrepreneurial and technology transfer training for students, alumni, teaching staff, researchers and non-teaching staff;
- Implementation of activities to promote innovation and entrepreneurship;
- Representation of U.Porto in entrepreneurship and innovation initiatives;
- Managing the relationships with other cooperation, innovation and and technology transfer offices within U.Porto.
- Representation of the University vis-à-vis organisations related to R & D funding.