The present invention relates to a portable and automatic equipment, sodium specific, aiming to analyze food salt content. The equipment allows the analysis of a high variety of food products that can be either solid or liquid. Furthermore, it performs analyses on complex foods matrixes at different temperatures.
he World Health Organization recommends a salt intake of less than 5 g/day in order to reduce the health risks associated with high consumption of salt.
The reduction of the amount of salt in processed food and in meals is benefic for public health since it reaches a large part of the population. Food operators and public health organizations are committed in reducing the population salt intake.
However, the solutions currently available to salt quantification in food present limitations, such as expensive and complex implementation procedures and time of analysis.
This invention consists in a validated portable equipment with a hardware, software and an informative and user-friendly interface. The device is simple to use and comprises a sodium ion-selective electrode and an automatic system of sample preparation.
It can be used in loco, for example, in food services units, food industries labs, or even by common consumers to monitor and correct the food products salt content, if necessary.
The device integrates all-in-one the processes required to assess food salt content: sample preparation and salt quantification. Additionally, it is ergonomic, simple to use, impact resistant and suitable to be used in high humidity environments, such as kitchens
The invention described accomplishes the important need of monitoring the salt intake in food industries, food services, food authorities, health professionals, veterinaries and public health organizations: a simple, rapid, inexpensive and user-friendly equipment that can present results on time and in loco
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