Mechanical device that allows monitoring the evolution of the strength-training program with quantitative and qualitative evaluations of pelvic floor muscle (PFM) contraction.
Pelvic floor muscle (PFM) training exercises are a series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. They are recommended for women with stress urinary incontinence and anal incontinence. In addition, PFM suffer significant trauma throughout pregnancy and childbirth that sometimes may lead to urinary incontinence postpartum and, therefore, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines recommends pelvic floor muscle exercises to all women during their first pregnancy.
This device is: i) Simple, cheap and re-usable device; ii) Physiological strengthening of PFM; iii) User-friendly; iv) Correct contraction performing due to visual cues; v) Correctly placed during exercise execution; vi) Visual training and real-time feedback performance monitoring; vii) Adjustment of external load to achieve different training goals (muscular endurance, muscular strength, muscular power) for training optimization; viii) Usable in clinical environment or at patient’s home; ix) Increase of muscle tonicity, endurance and strength at a short time period; x) Innovative mechanical action of the device for training intensification; xi) Preliminary study with efficient results demonstration prevision.
Training device to strength pelvic floor muscle.
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